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Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

aki bengkak dapat terjadi pada setiap bagian, contohnya: jempol kaki bengkakpergelangan kaki bengkaktelapak kaki bengkak, betis bengkak dan paha bengkak.Gejala kaki bengkak dapat terjadi baik karena penumpukan cairan (retensi cairan) atau dari peradangan pada jaringan sendi yang terluka atau sakit.

Banyak sebab kaki bengkak, seperti cedera atau berdiri atau duduk terlalu lama, yang mudah diidentifikasi. Kadang-kadangbengkak pada kaki mungkin merupakan tanda dari gangguan yang lebih serius, seperti penyakit jantung, bekuan darah atau kaki bengkak diabetes.

Carilah perawatan medis segera bila penyebab kaki bengkak tanpa alasan yang jelas atau Anda juga mengalami kesulitan bernafas, nyeri dada atau tanda-tanda peringatan lainnya dari gumpalan darah di paru-paru atau kondisi jantung yang serius.

Banyak faktor dan sangat bervariasi dalam keseriusan yang merupakan penyebab kaki bengkak. Penyakit kaki bengkak juga berhubungan dengan penumpukan cairan dalam tubuh

Pembengkakan kaki yang disebabkan oleh retensi cairan di jaringan kaki dikenal sebagai edema perifer. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh masalah dengan sistem peredaran darah, sistem limfatik atau ginjal. Anda juga mungkin mengalamipembengkakan pada kaki akibat penumpukan cairan setelah duduk atau berdiri dalam waktu yang lama.

Penyebab Kaki Bengkak

Faktor-faktor penyebab bengkak di kaki yang berhubungan dengan penumpukan cairan meliputi:
  1. Gagal ginjal akut
  2. Penyakit ginjal kronis
  3. Sirosis (bekas luka di hati)
  4. Gagal jantung
  5. Terapi hormon
  6. Lymphedema (penyumbatan dalam sistem getah bening)
  7. Sindrom nefrotik (kerusakan pembuluh darah kecil dalam penyaringan ginjal)
  8. Kaki bengkak saat hamil
  9. Berdiri terlalu lama. Dan lain-lain

Penyebab kaki bengkak terkait dengan peradangan meliputi:

Kaki bengkak juga bisa disebabkan oleh peradangan pada jaringan kaki. Peradangan mungkin respon terhadap cedera atau penyakit, atau mungkin karena rheumatoid arthritis atau gangguan inflamasi lain. Anda biasanya akan merasakan rasa sakit karena peradangan.

Faktor-faktor yang dapat berkontribusi terhadap peradangan di kaki yang menyebabkan bengkak kaki meliputi:
  1.  Robeknya ligamen anterior di lutut
  2. Kista Baker
  3. Patah pergelangan kaki / rusak
  4. patah kaki
  5. Selulitis (infeksi kulit)
  6. kelebihan asam urat
  7. Infeksi atau luka di kaki
  8. Lutut bursitis (radang kantung berisi cairan di sendi lutut)
  9. Osteoarthritis (penyakit yang menyebabkan kerusakan sendi)
  10. Penyakit sendi inflamasi
  11. Pergelangan kaki terkilir. Dan lain-lain

Carilah perawatan medis darurat jika Anda mengalami pembengkakan kaki dan salah satu tanda-tanda atau gejala berikut, yang dapat menunjukkan terjadinya gumpalan darah di paru-paru atau kondisi jantung yang serius:
  1. Nyeri dada yang berlangsung lebih dari beberapa menit
  2. kesulitan bernapas
  3. Pingsan atau pusing
  4. Kebingungan

Juga, segera mencari pertolongan jika kaki bengkak:
  1. Terjadi tanpa alasan yang jelas
  2. Berhubungan dengan cedera fisik, seperti karena jatuh, cedera olahraga atau kecelakaan mobil

Cara mengatasi kaki bengkak

Masalah tidak darurat yang berhubungan dengan kaki bengkak masih membutuhkan perawatan cepat. Pembengkakan kaki yang merupakan efek samping dari obat dapat terlihat seperti kaki bengkak akibat gangguan ginjal. Konfirmasikan dengan dokter sesegera mungkin sehingga dokter dapat mendiagnosa masalah yang mendasar sehingga dokter akan memberikan obat untuk kaki bengkak.

Cara mengobati kaki bengkak, simak tips berikut:
  1. Taruh bantal di bawah kaki Anda saat berbaring, yang dapat mengurangi pembengkakan terkait dengan penumpukan cairan.
  2. Jika Anda mau berdiri atau duduk dalam waktu yang lama, memberikan waktu istirahat dan bergeraklah di sekitar, kecuali gerakan menyebabkan nyeri.
  3. Jangan berhenti minum obat resep tanpa berbicara dengan dokter Anda, bahkan jika Anda menduga hal itu mungkin menyebabkan pembengkakan kaki.
  4. Obat kaki bengkak atau obat nyeri dapat mengurangi pembengkakan yang menyakitkan.

Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

benefits of garlic

Curable Disease: 
Hypertension, Asthma, Cough, Common Cold, Headache, Jaundice; Shortness of breath, water Edema, Piles, Constipation, Bruises, Abscesses; Sharps injuries, insect bites, worms, Trouble sleeping (insomnia) 

1. Hypertension 
     a. Ingredients: 3 cloves garlic, 
        Method: finely ground garlic and squeezed with 
        enough water, filtered Ialu; 
        How to use: taken regularly every day. 

     b. Ingredients: 2 cloves garlic; 
        How to make: roasted garlic with fires; 
        How to use: eaten every morning for 7 days. 

2. Asthma, coughs and colds 
     Baban: 3 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon of honey and sugar cubes 
     to taste; 
     Method: finely ground garlic, then mixed 
     together with the other ingredients until evenly and squeezed / strained; 
     How to use: drink every morning until healed. 

3. Headache 
     Ingredients: garlic bulbs; 
     Method: finely ground garlic bulbs; 
     How to use: to compress on the forehead. 

4. Jaundice, shortness of breath and dropsy 
     Ingredients: 1 bulb of garlic, 1 piece of sugar cubes of chicken eggs 
     How to make: bulbs of garlic finely ground, then the second 
     ingredients are boiled together with 3 cups water to a boil 
     and stir until evenly distributed, and filtered; 
     How to use: drink 2 times a day 2 tablespoons, morning and 

5. Hemorrhoid 
     Ingredients: garlic bulbs; 
     How to make: bulbs of garlic finely ground, then squeezed 
     to take water; 
     How to use: applied around the anus every day. 

6. Constipation 
     Ingredients: yogurt garlic and onion to taste; 
     Method: The second material is finely ground, pressed for 
     take water, then thoroughly mixed and filtered; 
     How to use: diminuni usual. 

7. Bruise due to stab or punch 
     Ingredients: garlic and 1 tablespoon honey; 
     Method: finely ground garlic, then given 1 
     spoon of honey and thoroughly mixed; 
     How to use: applied on the wound. 

8. Luka contact with sharp objects rusty 
     Ingredients: garlic bulbs and coconut oil to taste; 
     How to make: garlic bulbs were burned, and then dipped into 
     in coconut oil and finely ground; 
     How to use: applied on the wound. 

9. Accelerating ripening swollen abscess 
     Ingredients: garlic bulbs; 
     How to make: garlic bulb is heated with oil paint, 
     then finely ground; 
     How to use: put on the swollen part. 

10. To remove splinters of glass, wood or thorns 
      Ingredients: garlic bulbs; 
      Method: finely ground garlic bulbs; 
      How to use: put on the intruding baglan 
      splinters of glass, wood or thorns. 

11. Insect stings 
      Ingredients: garlic bulbs, Sendowo and salt to taste; 
      How to make: bulbs of garlic finely ground, then 
      mixed with the other ingredients until evenly; 
      How to use: applied to any body part that stung 

12. Expel pinworm and roundworm 
      Baban: a few cloves of garlic push; 
      How to make: peeled and washed; 
      How to use: eaten immediately. 

13. Trouble sleeping (insomnia) 
      Ingredients: a few slung garlic; 
      How to make: peeled and washed; 
      How to use: eat directly before bed.

change the world

Note the author of this book could be a valuable lesson:

"When I was young, I wanted to change the whole world. Then I realized, how difficult it is to change the whole world, then I decided to change only my country. When I realized that I can not change my country, I began to change my city. When I get older I realize it is not easy to change my city. then I started to change my family. Now I'm getting old, I could not change my family. I realized that the only thing I can change is myself.

I suddenly struck me that if only I could change myself long ago, I can definitely change my family and my city. In the end I'm going to change my country and I can change the whole world. "

There is nothing we can change before we change ourselves. Can not we change ourselves before knowing yourself. Will not know yourself before being able to accept yourself for what it is.

Sources: Book Building Foundations prepare u'r success Career Success Since Stool Lecture (Sugiarto and Prof. Ryan. Djamaludin Ancok, PhD.)

Triggers Brain Damage

The human brain consists of more than 100 billion neurons, each linked to 10 thousand other neurons. Imagine, with the complexity of the brain like that, then you are obliged to love your brain enough to avoid bad habits that are often overlooked.

The brain is a vital organ which is the control center of the central nervous system. Brain organize and coordinated most of the movement, behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.

The brain is also responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion. memory, motor learning and all other forms of learning.

It is indeed a very complicated task and many. So, avoid bad habits below if you still want your brain to work well.

1. Did not want breakfast

Many people take breakfast, but do not consume food in the morning led to a decline in blood sugar levels. This resulted in a lack of nutrient inputs to the brain which eventually ended in the decline of the brain.

2. Mostly eating

Too much eating harden the brain vessels that usually lead to the decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking

Smoking appeared to result in a very terrible in our brain. Imagine, our brains can shrink and eventually loses its functions. No doubt at a time when we are prone to Alzheimer's old.

4. Too much sugar

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients that the body's nutritional deficiencies and impaired brain development.

5. Polluted air

The brain is the body that absorb most of the air. Too long in the environment by polluting the air making the brain works inefficiently.

6. Lack of sleep

Sleep gives the brain a chance to rest. Often neglect sleep makes brain cells actually die of exhaustion.

7. Covering the head while sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because of the carbon dioxide produced during sleep the brain is concentrated so polluted. Do not be surprised if over time the brain becomes damaged.

8. Thinking too hard when you're sick

Working hard or studying when the condition of the body is not fit is also aggravate brain ineffectiveness.

9. Lack of brain stimulation

Thinking is the best way to train the brain. Less think it makes the brain shrink and eventually not function optimally.

10. Rarely talk

Intellectual conversations usually take a good effect on the brain.